
Confederation Persuasive Speech Essay

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Brothers, sisters, fellow members of reform, I, Antoine Aime Dorion would like to share my opinion on a rather controversial event. Our culture is rich, the land is plentiful and we have worked tirelessly to gain what we currently have. However, the abomination you all know by the name of confederation plots to rob us of these great gifts!

Many believe confederation will end political deadlock, I believe otherwise! The public knows next to nothing about the political leaders who would be joining us. What if they betray us? What will become of us then? They claim to be our allies but what will we do should they attempt to take our rights to the French language or the Roman Catholic religion?

As for this talk of railways, Great Britain is currently swimming in unpaid debt. There is no way we could pay for the railway unless we raised taxes to unbearable levels. If this did occur, we would not be able to buy food or other goods we need to keep our families alive. Many men would need to stay at their jobs to work after hours and may barely have any time to help with chores around the home or play …show more content…

The old treaty was obviously flawed and can be improved upon. I dream of a time where free trade between Britain and the United States is revived and used to benefit our great country. Canada is rich with natural resources that the American economy needs. Free trade with the United States is our destiny!

American expansion? Well, that would make our county more stable and give us more opportunities to defend against our enemies. The Americans are nothing to fear! We can gain their trust and use it to our advantage.The American’s also have an amazing political system that we could look toward so we can improve our own and make it more efficient.

Our colonies are a valuable source of raw materials and manufactured goods and all of this could be put at risk by

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