
Condescending In The Kite Runner

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The protagonist of The Kite Runner is Amir. He is condescending, as a result of his emptiness, but he is also guilt-ridden. Amir's negative traits are seen throughout the story of his childhood. We see that he is condescending by the way he treats his friend, who is also his servant, Hassan. Hassan is poor and has not had the same education that Amir has had therefore Hassan cannot read. As children they spent their time playing but they also spent their time reading, that is Amir reads to Hassan. Amir was condescending because we would use his advantage of education to make fun of Hassan. The best example would be when Amir says, "Let's see. 'Imbecile.' It means smart, intelligent. I'll use it in a sentence for you. 'When it comes to words, Hassan is an …show more content…

However, Amir's condescending trait could be the result of his emptiness inside, due to the lack of love and affection from his father. He yearns for his father's affection, he makes himself superior to others, mostly Hassan, and he constantly tries anything he can in order to get his father to show the least bit of interest in him. We see how hurt Amir is when his father pays more attention to Hassan than him when he says, "I wished I too had some kind of scar that would beget Baba's sympathy...Hassan hasn't done anything to earn Baba's affections..." (Hosseini 46) Although Amir possess these negative traits, he is not an awful person. He is also guilt-ridden and as the author portrayed, he has been so since birth. His mother died giving birth to him and he always felt at fault for it. Her death was the reason he thought his father hated him as he states by saying, "I always felt like Babe hated me a little.

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