
Concussions In Sports Essay

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Concussions in sports are becoming a bigger deal than most people think, the numbers of high school students with concussions per year have been rising since 2009. The formal definition of a concussion is a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient alteration in brain function, including alteration of mental status and level of consciousness, resulting from mechanical force or trauma. It is said that the brain “moves rapidly around inside the skull” ("Concussion Facts”.)The symptoms of concussions are so subtle that many people overlook them without realizing that the person actually has a brain injury, making the concussion a lot more dangerous, because they are not treated for their injury. More information is needed about concussions and use that new knowledge to help prevent the future children from getting that traumatic brain injury. For young people ages 15 to 24 years old, sports are the second …show more content…

Researchers have been trying to change the equipment worn by the players to make it more safe. Example being a helmet that could possibly bend like a car bumper to take most of the pressure from the hit. Another scientists has found a collar that can be worn by the player that would hold the neck of the player still, and when he got hit his head would not jerk around and the possibility of a concussion would be reduced. Even new mouthguards have been said to help reduce the amount of concussions, they are said to help hold the head and the neck still which helps prevent the concussions from happening.The NOCSAE is an organization that regulates sports to try to reduce the injuries, they would look at the equipment before the player will wear it to tell if it is safe or not. They are still working on finding an effective way to reduce the amounts of concussions in football, but it seems no way so far has been very

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