
Concrete Obstacles

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The muscles that are considered to be the prime movers in order to do a pull up is the Latissimus dorsi, biceps, front deltoid, terse major to start the movement in order to bring the body upward towards the bar. Once you get close to the top of the bar the synergist muscles will kick in order to help support the prime muscles movers. Those muscles would be the rhomboids and the trapezius to get involved to help and add thickness and strength to the back. The stabilizers for the supinated chin up will be the abdominals and obliques. Yes, there is a difference between a pull up with palms pronated and chin ups with palms supinated. Pull ups with the palms (pronated) will add the deltoids (3) rear, mid and front deltoids, along with the trapezius and rhomniods will be added to the list of prime muscles movers along with the latissimus dorsi, biceps and terse major. This style of pull up is that hardest of all the basic pull ups because will be more dependent on the upper back unlike the chin up with (supinated) palms because the biceps, latisumuss dorsi and terse major will be the only prime movers the rest will stay as synergists. …show more content…

This shows us that chin ups aren’t the best way to exercise the latissimus dorsi but it is the beginning way to start strengthen the lattissimus dorsi until you can do a pronated pull up to really ecericse the lattissimus

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