
Concerns of Bioterrorism

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Issues/ Concerns of Bioterrorism US/Guam

What is Bioterrorism? What are the types of Bioterrorism? What issues or concerns should we be aware of when talking about Bioterrorism? How is Bioterrorism different from the United States and that of Guam? These are some of the things people would think of and wonder when they hear the word Bioterrorism. It’s important to know the different steps or precautions that a person can look into in order to prevent themselves from being a victim of Bioterrorism. First things first, Bioterrorism is defined as the intentional release of toxic biological agents to harm and terrorize civilians, in the name of a political or other cause. The history of Bioterrorism goes way back. According to the Terrorism Issues and Homeland Security, there have always been efforts to use germs and disease as weapons. The reported risk has led the U.S. government to expend immense resources for bio-defense in the early part of the 21st century. According to Right Diagnosis from health grades, there was a list of the different types of Bioterrorism and they are: Anthrax, Salmonella, Glanders, Melioidosis, and Smallpox.
Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis. This disease mostly occurs in wild and domestic animals such as: antelopes, camels, cattle, goats, sheep, and other herbivores, but can occur in human if they get in contact with the infected animal. Anthrax spores are a form of bacteria that can

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