
Concealed Weapons Essay

Decent Essays

For hundreds of years, the United States has debated to what extent the 2nd amendment has really applied to the citizens of the nation. Concealed weapons licenses have almost always been an option for the people to feel safe knowing they are protected, but many think that this is the reason for such crime this world sees, and have tried to take that power from “We the People.” Concealed weapons availability should not be tinkered with, and the 2nd amendment shall stand as it has for the last 224 years.
Citizens have the right to carry weapons without those around them knowing they do. That right, clearly stated in the 2nd amendment goes as follows; “The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” To infringe is to “wrongly …show more content…

We must realize that criminals are criminals, and removing citizens’ rights to firearms will not remove the capacity for them to obtain weapons. Removing gun rights or restricting availability will not only contradict the statement of the 2nd amendment but will kill our US citizens. Criminals will obtain weapons through any source to complete crimes supposed to make them wealthier or have the “toys” of this world. The crimes will continue, the only difference will be that of citizens self protection. Instead the US government and government of the stated should be focused on proper use of the firearms and the revision of current laws.
Carrying a concealed weapon is the biggest factor of most crimes. The people involved in the crime do not know of the weapon, at first. It is hidden, concealed. If the laws and regulations are revised and “tightened up” this will not be such a great factor. If every concealed carrier has to go through background checks and other items, such as proper training, this will insure public safety and drastically reduce the immature use of firearms. Rules of the current day have worked “good enough” in the past, but in a world where crime is current every which way you turn, there is steps needed to be

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