
Compromise Of 1850 Research Paper

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Keellie Quinn Compromises Essay In 1787, our founding fathers sat down to write, what came to be the longest surviving written charter of government, the constitution. Some might argue the constitution was flawless; however it did leave the issue of slavery to be unattended and unresolved until 1820. As tensions rose between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery states, compromises such as the, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act only temporarily settled debates that would eventually send the United States tumbling into Civil War. In 1919, Missouri requested to be admitted into the union …show more content…

Questions over slavery soon arose and once again were temporarily quieted by a new compromise, the Compromise of 1850. The Compromise of 1850 consisted of 5 laws. It was decided that California would be admitted to the Union as a free state. The Compromise also introduced popular sovereignty, Utah and New Mexico would decide amongst itself the question of slavery. It also settled Texas’s boundary disputes. Texas claimed it owned land until the Santa Fe; however the compromises determined new Texas boundaries, and granted Texas $10 million dollars to pay off its debt. It was also decided that in Washington D.C. the slave trade would be banned, but slavery would still be continued. Congress also updated the barely enforced Fugitive Slave Act of 1793. Slaves fled through escapes such as the Underground Railroad, so to minimize the amount of escaped slaves the Fugitive Slave Law was revised. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850required that all citizens must aid in the help of capturing fugitives and anyone who didn’t would be punished. The new law also stated that runaway slaves would no longer have the privilege of trial by jury. Overall the compromise settled disputes over the new obtained land by allowing California be admitted as a free state, while Utah and New Mexico had no restrictions on slavery, Washington could no longer participate in slave trade, but slavery was still allowed, and Texas didn’t obtain all land to the Santa Fe, but did receive $10 million dollars to pay off its

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