NATIONAL GENERAL CERTIFICATE Candidate report template (2009 specification) UNIT NGC3 – THE HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATION Student number: Location: Date of review: Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place This report follows an inspection of the building and yard located in ……. in order to meet the requirements of the Nebosh NGC 3 practical application. The areas concerned with this inspection are the works building and one store in the yard and its immediate surrounding area. The building consists of a canteen area, an office for admin duties, two toilets, a locker …show more content…
The heater in the drying room (6) also needs urgent attention as its purpose is to dry out PPE used by employees in wet weather conditions. With the heater not functional this has an impact on the ability to maintain the PPE to a good standard. PUWER Issues The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations state that employers must ensure that all work equipment is suitable, maintained and inspected (7, 17). The old fax machine in the office has been out of use for quite some time with service tags out of date and there has been no effort to have it repaired or replaced. It is creating a tripping hazard as well as breaching PUWER. A similar situation has arisen regarding the water dispenser in the canteen. The employees have shown their concerns about not being able to use the machine and it is in serious need of repair or replacement. This is also creating a welfare issue which must be addressed. Manual Handling Issues There are some issues concerning heavy materials being stored at ground level (13, 20). This is in breach of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and presents a high risk of a RIDDOR injury to employees lifting or moving these materials. As suggested these materials must be stored correctly and at waist level to prevent injuries from bending and lifting. This will prevent high costs through RIDDOR incidents and loss of productivity.
This room was about 40 feet by 40 feet. It had been opened to the public only recently and was located on the east end of the premises on the first floor of a second-class building consisting of three stories, and an attic (59 Broadway). The second floor of this building contained motors and a locker room for employees was on the third floor.
5.4 Current regulations set out by the health and safety executive are, 1) Every employer shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal protective equipment provided to his employees by virtue of regulation 4 (1) is properly used. (2) Every employee shall use any personal protective equipment provided to them by virtue of these Regulations in accordance both with any training in the use of the personal protective equipment concerned which has been received by him and the instructions respecting that use which have been provided to him by virtue of regulation 9. (3) Every self-employed person shall make full and proper use of any personal protective equipment provided to him by virtue of regulation 4(2). (4) Every employee and self-employed person who has been provided with personal protective equipment by virtue of regulation 4 shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that it is returned to the accommodation provided for it after use
function of the new building is to provide office space for software development and testing of
b)Facilities for storing and dry cloth (Section – 43): The provision of suitable places for keeping clothing not worn during working hours and for the drying of wet clothing.
In our setting to ensure the safety of the young people and staff we do daily checks that are carried out by members of staff. We list all the checks and sign when checked which the manager then signs off.
Item 5: Are storage areas free from tipping hazards? PASS. All materials were put away safely.
This review is based on drawings of the building prepared by Design Plus, the 2012 Ontario Building Code (OBC) and the 2015 Ontario Fire Code (OFC).
.Working at Height- The Working at Height Regulations 2005 states a place is a height if a person could be injured falling from it, even if it is below ground level. If employees are working at height the condition/age and construction of the building need to be assessed to ensure that the building can withstand the weight of workmen, if this is not properly assessed there is a danger of employees falling through roofs and other sections of the building. Whilst working at height scaffolding is of a concern, it is vital that only suitable specialist scaffolding contractors are employed to ensure it is properly erected. With regards to falling objects it is important that site managers establish exclusion
Shortcomings with regards to the workplace are a result of poor supervision and the need for employees to be made more aware of the consequences of their actions by managers, supervisors and their peers alike. Removal of objects causing obstructions or increasing risk of slips, trips and falls is mostly a supervisory responsibility. These included unsuitable rugs, PPE storage and used pallets (5, 16, 24 & 27). There were instances where simple, inexpensive alterations and consultation by management with staff and supervisors would reduce risks throughout all facilities. Signs legible by all staff (6.) and shared facilities (7) are cases in point. The use of available manual handling was not evidently enforced as a matter of routine (10)
FY 2017 Workload: The NPDES inspection personnel spent the majority of time conducting NPDES related activities. A yearly project list was assigned to inspector personnel. The staff scheduled and conducted inspections on a timely basis in order to complete assignments. The EQC Greenwood office is responsible of the Greenwood, Lawrence, Abbeville, and McCormick counties. In the past, the Saluda and Edgeville counties were part of the Greenwood Office, but currently the EQC Akon Office is responsible of those counties. Table 3 below shows the workload conducted by the EQC Office during the 2016 fiscal inspection year.
• To provide acceptable levels of operations, routine day and night inspections of the work zone should be performed
Owner's representative/agency appointed by the Owner will have free access to all working places for inspection of procedures, quality etc., during working periods. Contractor should provide all assistance to carry out such inspections.
where all equipment are to be kept. Finally one access to the south end leading to the relocated public toilet. (Figure ?)
8. Inspecting construction work in progress to ensure compliance with plans, specifications and quality standards”.
The second floor of this office building has most of the rooms located on the center area of the floor. There is a set of stairs, stair one, located next to elevator one and elevator two. The walls that make up stair one and surround the elevators have two hour fire barrier. In this same area, there is an electrical data and custodial room. There is a corridor that leads to restrooms and to an entrance to another elevator and stair two located between column lines four and six. The women's restroom has three sinks, three small stalls, and one larger stall. The men’s restroom has three sinks, two urinals, one small stall, and one larger stall.Next to the elevator and stairs, are a mechanical, custodial, and data room. Inside this custodial room is a janitor sink. On both sides of the cluster of rooms, is open office space. There is three concrete columns located in these areas. These areas has a raised flooring system, which most likely signifies there will be electrical components distributed under the floor. The total dimensions of the second floor are 166 by 92 feet.