
Competency Goal 1 Examples

Satisfactory Essays

Goal 1: James will stabilize his mood.

James commented, "I really don't want to hear you talk about this to his mother."
James's mother reported, "James said he was going to kill himself because his friend told him that his girlfriend was cheating on him."
James's mother shared, "I was so angry at him because I was on the way to the doctor then school request I pick him up."
James's mother established, "The school officials asked James to contact his IIH team and James told them no.
James's mother provided the QP with a release from school to include the team's information.
James's commented, "No, hospitalization was recommended, but he couldn't stay at school."
James acknowledged, "I really like that girl, so I felt overwhelmed by him telling that then when I …show more content…

Goal 2: James will improve his academic performance and social functioning.

James listened as the QP shared how learning pre-problem solving skills can help him and his family make better choices.
James acknowledged, "I should have remembered what I went through last time when I said that and that I didn't want to go back to Holly Hill then I wouldn't have said it."
James focused on anti-social behavior by talking back to your mom, lying, and skipping school, but pro-social behaviors are good behaviors that strengthen society such as getting good grades to go to college to obtain his career in engineering.
James reflected on the concept of smart power which makes him responsible for any harm he causes, he has personal power to make choices, and every choice has consequence whether good or bad.
James read the 5 steps to pre-problem solving skills which are to think ahead of possible trouble, P-OK-E it, consider the consequences, practice no, congratulate

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