
Comparison of X-Ray and Ultrasound

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X rays and Ultrasound are two of the main imaging techniques used in radiography. For the purposes of this essay, we will look at conventional x-rays and diagnostic ultrasound. Conventional x rays are non-invasive diagnostic techniques that are used to capture images of the body's organs and bones. Diagnostic ultrasounds are high frequency sound waves to create an image of soft issues in the body such as muscles, joints, and internal organs. As examined below, while both are used in diagnostic radiography, they have extremely different modalities.
Wave Properties
X-rays use electromagnet waves to produce images. Ultrasounds are longitudinal sound waves with extremely high frequencies. The below table examines some of the differences …show more content…

* Radiotherapy – used to treat cancer.
Ultrasound relies on high frequency sounds to image the body. As stated above, ultrasound are produced by an ultrasound transducer. To produce ultrasound, a piezoelectric crystal has an alternating current applied across it, this causes the crystal to vibrate at a high speed and to produce ultrasound as it converts electrical energy to mechanical energy in sound waves. This sound wave bounces off the object being scanned. This sound triggers the piezoelectric crystal and has its affects reversed. By measuring the time taken to send and receive the sound the computer can produce images. Ultrasound poses no health risks while x rays give off varying degrees of radiation. Exposure to radiation can have long term health although the rates are very low. There are many different usages for ultrasound. The most common is for * pregnancy scans * examine the heart to identify abnormal structures * measure blood flow through the hearts and major blood vessels * examine kidneys blood flow * identify kidney stones * detect prostrate cancer at early stages Ultrasound Pregnancy * Thyroid ultrasound Scan at approx 12 wks. X-Rays

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