
Comparison of Research Designs Essay

Decent Essays

Comparison of Research Designs

Capella University

Comparison of Research Designs Template
The following seven tables are part of a template that will guide you through the comparison of research designs assignment. The tables include: • Descriptions of basic research designs. • Types of basic research designs. • Main characteristics. • Followed steps. • Appropriate usage. • Purpose statement and sample questions. • Associated research paradigms.
This template directs you to portions of the course text, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Creswell, 2008). Each table includes chapter numbers …show more content…

|Ethnographic Designs |Pages 20-22 and |Ethnographic design is a qualitative research method in which the researcher is able to |
| |Chapter 14. |investigate and describe a group (subgroup) of the population. Patterns within the population|
| | |of those studied are highlighted. |
|Narrative Research |Pages 20-22 and |Narrative Research design is a method of telling the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of |
|Designs |Chapter 15. |one or two people. As a qualitative measure, participants’ stories are retold in a |
| | |descriptive format. The narratives help to describe group behaviors or ideas. |

|Mixed Methods Designs |Pages 20-22 and |Mixed methods designs combines qualitative and quantitative data. Data can be collected |
| |Chapter 16. |simultaneously or sequentially when using mixed methods designs. The researcher must also |
| | |decide whether to integrate or connect (use one to prove or support the other) the two sets of|
| |

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