
Comparison of Eric Liddell and Harold Abraham in Chariots of Fire

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered how two athletes with two different faiths can change their own lives by their ways of living? Eric Liddell was a Scottish runner and a faithful Christian. On the other hand, Harold Abraham was a British runner and a Jew who struggled to change other people’s thought of Jews. Both of these men ran in the 1924 Olympics for different purposes. The movie “Chariots of Fire” showed how Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams differed from one another. Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams were different in their faith, economic status, and their motivations.
First, Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams differed in their faith. Eric Liddell was a faithful Christian. As a faithful Christian, Eric Liddell frequently attended church on Sundays. Not only did he attend church, but he also preached in different churches. The movie (“Chariots of Fire”, Hugh Hudson) showed a scene where he was preaching and reading a passage from the Bible. On the other hand, Harold Abrahams was of the Jewish faith. For instance, Jews do not eat pork because in the Old Testament the Israelites were commanded to abstain from it. Proof that Harold Abrahams followed this belief was seen in the movie when it showed that his girlfriend Sybil order pork in the restaurant and Harold felt first offended, and then amused by her mistake. In nineteen twenty-four Jews were frequently disrespected regarded as an inferior race. An example of this was when Rodgers, the receptionist in Harold’s dormitory, called

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