
Comparison Of The French And American Revolution

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The people of France and America are furious with their kings; the king is spending their money, not letting them trade, and the people are tired of it. Maybe they don’t need a king or monarchy. What If the people can take control and make the country all about the people. The people of France and America have declared their independence with their own letter to the king, The Declaration of Independence and The Declaration of the Rights of Man. These two documents of freedom will start the French and American Revolution, which leads to these to countries being independent and free from the king.

The Declaration of Independence in fact is still used today. The people of America were tired of trading through England, and not being able to …show more content…

The people met in a tennis court, all of them, locked themselves inside until they got finished writing the document. The King of France at the time was King Louis, he received the document and said, “sure I’ll sign it”, but basically had his fingers crossed behind his back and didn’t follow through with it. This made the people angry, they traveled to Versailles, the kings palace, marched through the gates and demanded the king step down from the thrown and let the people control their own government. The king tried to flee to the country of Austria, but was unsuccessful and caught. Him, his wife, Queen Antoinette, and his children was locked in separate cells, in their own jail. King Louis was sentenced to death by Guillotine, and was allowed to wear fancy clothes, including a wig. His wife was sentenced to death by Guillotine also, but was not allowed any fancy clothes, because the people hated her for spending all their money on dress and other ridiculous things. Their sons died from Tuberculosis, and the people still loyal to the king took their daughter from the jail and sent her to Austria so she wouldn’t be killed. Now the people of France are controlling their own government, for the people.

France was influenced by America to separate from the king. They were going through similar struggles with their king, but America didn’t want

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