
Comparison Of Macbeth Movies

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Macbeth Production Comparison Paper
A man is known by the company he keeps. This was especially true around the time that one of William Shakespeare's most well-known tragedies takes place. In medieval-age Scotland, men like Macbeth may certainly have their own ambitions, but the people that they encounter most definitely can bring about some influence on who they are or who they want to become. The differences in Macbeth's relationships with Duncan, Banquo, and Lady Macbeth illustrate how Macbeth is portrayed as vulnerable and heartfelt in the 1978 film whereas he is portrayed as aggressive and more assertive in the 2010 film.
One reason for why Macbeth is portrayed differently in both movies is because of his relationship with Duncan. Because …show more content…

Although she may not have bipolar disorder, it most definitely comes across as though if she does, There are evidently two very different and distinct personalities that she possesses according to the original text. Whenever she and her husband are together in a group of people, she is calm, confident, and reassuring. But when she and Macbeth are alone together, the reader is exposed to a side of Lady Macbeth that is a lot more, afraid, bossy, and vulnerable. There are multiple scenes in both movies that show this, such as when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are plotting the murder of King Duncan, when King Duncan is murdered, and when Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and the lords are dining in the castle after Banquo is murdered. In the 1978 film, Lady Macbeth's susceptibility and emotional sensitivity is highly emphasized in all of the given scenes. She appears to be very nervous and obsessed about Macbeth's prophecy that he would become King of Scotland due to the fact that she is a very power-hungry woman (Crowther). Because of this, it seems very fitting that Macbeth reacts accordingly to her wishes and desires in a way that matches her emotional state. The 2010 film provides a noticeable amount of contrast to this. In the same scenes, Lady Macbeth is equally as obsessed in her desire for power, but she is more demonic and manipulating about it (Goold). Macbeth is more ruthless and cold-hearted as he, too, becomes a bloodthirsty killer just to keep his royal title

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