
Comparison Of Happiness In The Necklace And The Monkey's Paw

Satisfactory Essays

Happiness doesn't come from money When someone come from a large family s/he don’t always get what s/he want, but when you do get it, it wasn't what s/he expected. For example, in “The Monkey's Paw” the family gets three wishes and when they make a wish the become unhappy. Another example, is in “the Necklace” when the wife keeps wanting more and more stuff and after she uses that stuff she won't use it again and becomes unhappy. In “The Monkey's Paw” by W.W Jacobs and “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant the characters in both stories want something and when they get it they became miserable. When one comes from a large family one doesnt always get what one wants but when one gets what what one wants its not what one expected. “The

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