
Comparison Of Feminism In The Arabian Nights

Better Essays

Dasha Kofman
Arabian Nights Paper


In my paper I will discuss how Sharazade’s role as a woman allows her to act as an advocate for female empowerment, through literature and storytelling. Initially, I will focus on the feminist role of Sharazade and how she is placed within her circumstances: 1001 nights of storytelling to the King to spare her life and the masses of woman after her. I will then go on to examine how Sharazade champions the case of feminine within her tales. She does so by intertwining female characters of power and intelligence. I will then go on to examine how women are viewed within the story, from slaves to warriors. Finally, I will take both Sharazades perception of feminism and how they are viewed within the story to examine their value within the story's setting, and the greater world. Sharazade reveals the harsh truth behind how women are portrayed in literature and the intensity in which they are finalized. She is allowing us to understand that women can not be placed under an umbrella term, but rather are distinct individuals who play in the structure of society-both good and bad. Although they are portrayed as such, women aren’t just women but are first and foremost, people.

Shahrazad: Icon of Feminism

The Arabian Nights also known as “One Thousand and One Nights” is a tale about Shahryar whom the reader refers to as the Sasanian king. Shahrazade, the heroine of The Arabian Nights, has been noted as a women's activist figure in literature, a woman who utilizes her intelligence to spare not only her own life, but the lives of women to come. In the frame story, King Shahriyar find out that his wife is committing adultery. The king then begins to order for virgins to satisfy his sexual pleasures and kill them before they commit the same atrocities. Every night for three years, he took a virgin to his bed and then killed her in the morning. When the virgins run out, the daughter offers herself and the tales of “1001 Nights” begins; These tales often criticized by many people who argue that women are not tools to satisfy a man’s pleasures. Her plan is simple yet cunning-she uses stories of thrill and marvel to keep herself alive as long as it takes to save the

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