
Comparison Of Dr. Martin Luther King And Malcolm X

Decent Essays

As of the first lecture I attended, I observed that this course would be interesting because it dealt with the Civil Rights Movement and its effects on the population; moreover, we were going to discuss how great religion was involved most of the time in this movement. The most valuable figures we learned about in class who were up front but the opposites of each other were Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. When comparing these two figures, it was important to me to not be involved in any biases. Therefore, my first objective was to investigate the roots of King and Malcolm, analyzing the differences in their childhood experiences and how those experiences affected their scholarly appearance in the Civil Rights Movement. I wanted to see if their childhood experiences justified their adult beliefs. Also, I wanted to see how their strengths and weakness shaped …show more content…

As of the starting of their leap into the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. King, and Malcolm X had distinct ideas of the freedom they were both searching for; one was looking for Integration while the other one looked for Separation. King’s belief was to integrate the rejected African Americans into the society ruled by the White Man. His role was prominent on the account of his eloquence fiery sermons pointing at the injustices done in America; therefore, he freely admits to believing in the pursuit of a Dream. King has a very positive idea of integration that comes from his own childhood experiences. He writes, “It is quite easy for me to think of a God of love mainly because I grew up in a family where love was central…It is impossible to get at the roots…without taking historical and psychological factors that play upon the individual” (King Jr., as cited by Cone, 2012, p. 19). This quote illustrates that he was aware of the advantages he had of being born in a Christian family, with parents who instructed him to follow the good

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