
Comparison Between Suicide Squad And Ina

Decent Essays

For Erica’s interview, she interviewed her roommates, Hanna and Ina. Hanna watched Suicide Squad and Ina watched Guardians of the Galaxy II. Although they watched two different movies, they shared similar opinions. For instance, they both acknowledged that the movie negatively portrayed AAPI females. Hanna mentioned, “They always have the small roles. I can not think of any superhero movies that have AAPI females as the main roles.” Hanna believes that there are not as many AAPI women in movies and even if they are, they are less likely to even be chosen as a main character. She explains how she does not understand why this always happens. When asking about Katana, the AAPI female character in Suicide Squad, she emphasized how she was displeased at the fact that Katana’s face was hidden by a mask. …show more content…

She indicates how portraying Katana with a Japanese mask brings the idea of how Asians are “oriental” and “foreign.” Hanna expresses how she can not help but to feel angry and confused on why media would do this to the only Asian female character in the movie. Hanna also mentioned how she remembered a particular scene that made her even more angry. In the movie, she explains how there was a moment when Katana communicates with her husband’s soul that is trapped inside her sword. “She preps her final moments and tells her husband that she loves him, in case she does not live, but one of the main characters in the film says, ‘Now, that’s what crazy people do,” Hanna explained. She explains how she does not understand why they portrays Asian characters as “crazy.” When asking her if she recognizes any similar patterns in characteristics with other AAPI female characters, she says how they are seen as quiet nerdy students, an outsider, and how they are always helping someone/being someone’s sidekick. “They always have to be the odd one out”

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