
Comparing the Iconography and Mythology of Two Major Hindu Deities

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Comparing the Iconography and Mythology of Two Major Hindu Deities

In Hindu tradition, Brahma created the universe, Vishnu maintained it and Shiva destroyed it. These three gods comprise the Hindu trinity (the trimurti) and are considered to be the leading gods of the religion, especially Brahma, who is the oldest of all the gods. This point is questionable though as the Visnu Purana talks of Brahma emerging from Vishnu's navel to maintain the world after Vishnu has created it and then he returns to the navel after Shiva has destroyed it. If this is the case then Vishnu's position as a god is elevated from merely the maintainer to the creator. This essay intends to compare and contrast the …show more content…

It is when he awakens out of this sleep that Brahma appears from Vishnu's navel enfolded in a lotus as mentioned above. Vishnu is also seen riding, sometimes with his wife Laksmi, but mainly he is represented as one of his incarnations or avataras.

Unlike Shiva, Vishnu is particularly associated with his avataras and by the end of the Puranic period he was especially connected with ten of these manifestations. These were Vamana (the ignorant dwarf), Kurma (the tortoise), Matsya (the fish), Narasimha (the man-lion), Varaha (the boar), Parasurama (Rama with the axe), Kalki (the white horse), Rama, Buddha and of course the most popular of all his incarnations, Krishna. "Vishnu incarnates into the world from time to time to preserve or to reinstate righteousness" (Herman, 1991:107). Krishna being his principle avatara, is often seen slaying demons and so is considered a hero. He also teaches the discipline of karma yoga, meaning "the way of selfless action" (Herman, 1991:179), to Arjuna the warrior hero and the dialogue is written down in the Bhagavad-Gita. Krishna is in disguise and offers Arjuna guidance, advising that one should acct selflessly without thinking of the rewards and should be satisfied in offering action in the name of the lord. Since Krishna is only a manifestation, it is actually Vishnu who is behind this teaching of devotion, proving himself to be a praiseworthy and

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