The one reason Zipes gave that I thought was the most significant was that fairy tales were written to give principles, norms, values, and beliefs to people. I felt that this was the most significant because it allowed people to believe in things when they were in the egregious situations. The fairy tales inspired people to believe more in things, so they wouldn’t give up even in the worse situations. I also felt that this was the most significant because the principles and norms set good standards for people to follow that they could use in their own lives. It also led them to learn good morals that they should retain, but it also helped them understand some bad morals that they should beware. There were outcomes from the good morals that
Fairy Tales are not just stories that parents tell to their children, but stories with hidden valuable messages which are mostly left on a side. In the article “An Introduction to Fairy Tales,” Maria Tatar clearly explains how people need fairy tales in their lives. Tatar also states how fairy tales have the ability to take the listener, especially children’s, into a journey in which they can play with their imagination so that they can discover their deepest fears and wishes. Personally I agree with the author, because of the fact that in an individual’s lives as they get older, they will try to define themselves, sometimes comparing their own life with a character from their favorite story or Fairy Tale.
I joined the union. The white Musicians formed a union to try and get more work, but the black players formed their own, and now we’re getting more gigs than we can handle.” (28)
The thrill and excitement created in fairy tales are ideal for entertaining young children. Important life lessons may seem subtle in fairy tales, but if one pays attention closely, there are obvious messages a story is communicating to the reader. In the article “Fairy Tales and Modern Stories” by Bruno Bettelheim, Bettelheim provides a series of examples of the effect fairy tales have on a reader. The sole effect a fairy tale has on a reader is based upon which story is read and the challenges in life the reader is struggling with. Another article, “An Introduction to Fairy Tales” by Maria Tatar, introduces the basic principles and themes brought across from fairy tales. Tatar also interprets how the plot of the stories is educating young children to adopt similar characteristics to those of the protagonist. In addition to Tatar’s and Bettelheim’s article, Elizabeth Danish wrote the article “Influence of Fairy Tales on Children,” which is a summary of different possible outcomes a fairy tale may have on a reader. Although she focuses mostly on the negative aspects of fairy tales, Danish briefly covers some positive consequences that fairy tales might have on an adolescent child. A similarly named article to Danish’s, “Influence of Fairy Tales on Children” by Rave Uno, concentrates mostly on the positive aspects of fairy tales. Uno, unlike Danish, is biased towards fairy tales having unmistakable benefits to a youthful reader and indicates many well thought out opinions.
There are mentions of magic throughout many fairy tales; Whether it be a magic apple, spindle, or godmother. The addition of magic into these tales adds interest to the piece, it keeps the reader wondering what is next. In many traditional “Cinderella” like tales the implication of magic is what drives the story forwards. What if I told you the Fairy Godmother or Her Mother’s tree were not necessary to drive home key plot points.
Has Hollywood been fair to Cleopatra? No one can really know a hundred percent how Cleopatra was really like as a person or how she really looked like. However, the only thing we can do is use all the clues we have left from this ancient history and gather them all together for an approximate conclusion . Based on the search I have done, what I realized that just like any other story. Cleopatra’s story have two sides.
Growing up most of us were tucked into bed and our parents read us a story before going to sleep, fairy tales in most cases. I personally remember hearing all about princess , dragons and cute mystical creatures that always had a happy ending no matter how much they went though to get there. After reading the fairy tales in our text book i initially thought they were a little too grusm and inapporpiate for children but after analyzing them and thinking things through i concluded that fairy tales are more appropiate for children rather than adults. I believe fairy tales are very benifical for kids because they teach children right from wrong , help children build emotional resiliency and lastly they help them develop critical thinking skills.
The stories can inspire and entertain all types of people. Fairy tales have been loved and passed down from generation to generation with specific stories staying
Fairy tales have changed quite a bit over the years. They have become less gruesome, less detailed and a bit dull, in my opinion; since they have been “disneyfied”. For example, the story of Cinderella; which originally had some “interesting” parts.
Fairytales have been around for hundreds of years. They were originally made for Kings and Queens for their own entertainment. They changed throughout the years and now the stories made them more appropriate for children Stories and nursery rhymes.
An insightful author, named Neil Gaimen once wrote in his novel, “Fairytales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” (Caroline, 2002) This famous quote reveals the fundamental purpose and significance of most fairytales, for it indicates that fairytales do not produce fear in its audience, but give them the idea that defeating and overcoming their fears and enemies is possible. Therefore, these fantasy stories are important in fostering children’s creativity as well as providing many learning opportunities that can guide a child towards achieving their goals and dreams. Most of all, these tales inspire many individuals to become ambitious people due to all the significant
The magical elements in this story make the story more interesting. They give it new meaning and a new life. They make the story fun to read. Without the magical elements, the characters would have a normal life and not many exciting things would happen. These elements take a person to a different world and make them forget about his or her own for a while. They open a door to something new and possibly make us look more closely at certain things.
A story always has a meaning or lesson it teaches. Fairy tales are stories with the addition of a magical element. They, too, have meanings the reader is supposed to take away. Authors purposefully fill their tales with symbols and characters that are meant to represent something. The meanings could be intending to teach societal values or rules. There are infinite interpretations one could potentially perceive from a single story. Likewise, a study from Cedarville University states, “the Bible is similar to fairy tales in that one can take several meanings from the same passage and interpret it differently depending on that individual’s stage in life” (Foulkrod). Fairy tales with authors that are notably religious recognized the similarity between Bible teachings and fairy tales and often use religious symbols and themes to compliment the overall moral the story is trying to portray. Many of these tales also have meanings and moral takeaways that represent religious values. This can be seen in the works of the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, as well as Carlo Collodi.
Fairy tales can affect someone's life deeply. According to Jason Young in "How Fairy Tales Shape our Lives", "To some degree, many [people] live out these stories, largely unaware of how much the old tales may be shaping our lives". With this mindset, a child may read Cinderella and grow up obsessed with makeup or clothes thinking that it can result in she or he having a "happily ever after" without realizing it. This thinking can be harmful to society, which is proven today with teenagers caring about their weight or feeling depressed because of their looks or wealth. Today, there even is still prejudice in favor of wealth or rank!
Capital punishment has been part of the criminal justice system since the earliest of times. But opponents have argued that the death penalty is racist, economically unjustified, and in violation of the United States Constitution as "...cruel and unusual punishment" (“Chronology”). However, today much of the debate over capital punishment is about whether it is morally right to sentence a person who has committed a serious crime to death. This paper will address the moral issues in the controversy over whether capital punishment should be abolished.
In the early developmental stages for kids, fairy tales teach children how to get a hold of the meaning behind storytelling. Learning about the history of a fairy tale came to be illustrates how stories are told, passed down, recorded, and told again. Hearing a fairy tale over and over again will give your child their own storytelling skills—like telling a story in correct order and paying attention to