
Comparing Two Excerpts In The Poem Milkweed

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After reading two excerpts and a poem about children experiencing life during the Holocaust All the children had very different and similar experiences.The two excerpts are named “Until Then I Had Only Read about These Things in Books..” and Milkweed.The poem is named “The Guard”.
The two excerpts and the poem are very similar.The poem and the excerpt Milkweed both encountered the nazis.In the poem it says,”...Because the guard is lifting up his arm right now (to shoot his gun) to light his cigarette and i must keep walking”.So the author of this poem interacted with a nazi.In Milkweed it says,”The soldier smiled down at me.He mussed my hair and pinched my cheek.’tiny little jew’ he said.’happy to see us are you ?’...’i'm not a jew’ i told him ‘i'm a gypsy’.” the author had ran into a nazi but did not get scared.He was amazed by it.Another similarity is between the two …show more content…

The Poem and the two Excerpts are also very different in their own way.The poem “The Guard” and the excerpt Milkweed are very different in Milkweed it says,”And he took me under both arms and lifted me and deposited me back on the sidewalk at the front of the crowd.’Good day,little Gypsy’ he said…” And in “The Guard” it says,”Like the man who was dragged off and shot in front of his two children”.In Milkweed they have a good encounter with the Nazis.But in “The Guard” the Jews have Terrible experinces with the nazis.The Two excerpts are very different.In “Until Then I Had Only Read about These Thing in Books..” it says,”We would sit sometimes all huddled together in an attic or basement , locked in a closet or in a cove behind a stone wall”.But in Milkweed it says,”I gasped aloud:’Jackboots!’...I thought he would cheer but he did not.He sttod behind me wirh his hands on my shoulders,i looked at the faces of the crowd.No one was cheering,or even smiling.I was suprised”.They both have different experinces,One has to hide from the Jackboots and another is in a crowd right infront of the

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