
Comparing The Preamble To The Constitution Of The United States

Decent Essays

When examining the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States, there are six specific purposes that are laid out. These six purposes consist of forming a more perfect union, establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility, providing for the common defense, promoting general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty. While the Constitution was being written, the United States was struggling to maintain itself as one united country due to the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation; thus the Preamble was established in order to bring a sense of unity and strength to the crumbling country-to-be. In a sense, the Preamble was a success, as the country had in fact unified under one flag and had been able to stabilize themselves. However, when looking at the government of the United States today, compared to back then, it can be seen that many of the traditional values that were a staple to the American way of life have been diminished to the point of nonexistence. …show more content…

Domestic tranquility is a thing of the past, as in the past two years alone there have been countless riots that protest the government and their sense of “justice” and “law”. Two examples of these riots would be riots in Ferguson and Baltimore. These riots themselves show that domestic peace is dissipating within the country, and the reason is so much worse: the authoritative personnel of the country are under speculation of excessive violence to the point of murder, and discrimination based solely on race. The government has chosen to address these acts of protest with more violence, which solves nothing and only fuels the already present anger and

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