
Comparing The Parthenon In Athens, Greece And The Pantheon

Decent Essays

This paper compares and contrasts two famous Greek and Roman buildings, the Parthenon in Athens, Greece and the Pantheon in Rome, Italy, and considers how the style and function of each building serves as a typical example of its culture. Furthermore, I will discuss the similarities and differences between ancient Greek and Roman architecture as seen in these two buildings.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre (2016) described the Parthenon temple, in Athens, Greece, as an important centerpiece of Athens’ complex Acropolis site, which was dedicated to Athena, the founding goddess of Athens, Greece. Built by an accomplished architect, Iktinus, the Parthenon is fairly well preserved, considering it has centuries of “wars, explosions, bombardments, fires, earthquakes, sackings, interventions and alterations” (UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2016, para.2). Even though it is no longer a completely intact building, the style and function of the Parthenon serves as a typical example of its culture, mainly by its grand scale and prominent columns, surrounding its entire façade. …show more content…

118 to 128, after it replaced an exact original earlier Pantheon, which was destroyed by fire (Moulton, 1998). The emperor, Hadrian erected the Pantheon, meaning Temple of the Gods, as a dedication to all of the gods of pagan Rome. The style and function of the Pantheon also serves as a typical example of its culture, particularly by the use of its grand columns to the front, creating an illusion that the building is bigger than it first seems. Furthermore, Gods are the highest of beings in Roman mythology, and it has aptly been used as a place of worship for many

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