
Comparing The Oriental View Of Good Health

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Therefore, the oriental view of good health is when there is a balance between the yin and the yang. The yin is cold, dark and interior while the yang is warm, light and exterior. Despite the fact that they are complete opposites, the Orientals view them as one. " They create each other, define each other, control each other and transform into each other." Health includes one's physical, spiritual and emotional roles. When the yin and yang are in equilibrium, a person is in good health and all systems are functioning normally. However, when they are not in equilibrium, signs and symptoms of illness occur. Oriental medicine says that every illness or discomfort of the body can be interpreted in terms of something not agreeing with chi or the …show more content…

Acupressure allows the blood to circulate freely, allowing toxins to be emitted or removed, and allowing the nerves to rest. Emotions are stabilized through acupressure by venting the related tension caused by suppressed feelings. Acupressure also has amazing soothing effects on the body. Acupressure also helps upgrade muscle strength, and tone and helps sports injuries by increasing circulation as well as lowering pain. A safe alternative to problems associated with stress such as headaches, ulcers, cramps and insomnia is acupressure therapy. Acupressure techniques are meant to correct imbalances in all systems of the body, by regulating these systems. Acupressure is different from acupuncture in that it is performed without needles. The practitioner uses his or her thumbs, hands, knees or elbows where needed. Glands become stimulated once pressure is applied in that region. Their are fourteen invisible meridians in the human body that carry energy throughout the body. These meridians begin at the fingertips, and are attached to the brain and the related meridian organ. A barrier in the meridian causes the energy to flow slower, which in effect causes something to go wrong in the organ which is related to that meridian. Through acupressure the energy can flow with regularity and the organ can continue its usual function. Acupressure simply reduces pain by stimulating the release of endorphins, which are the body's pain relievers. Acupressure also raises the nutrient supply to muscles by advancing cellular exchange. At the same time, development of damaging fatigue products, metabolic wastes and lactic acid from extreme excercise are deterred. The most significant idea of acupressure is pulse reading. A pulse is a point in the arm where you can feel to find the flow of energy in a meridian. Pulses may also be imaginary. There are nine pulses in the lower arm area that attaches to the wrist. There are two

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