
Comparing The Hero's Journey In The Odyssey And The Secret Life Of Bees

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The Hero’s Journey is a pattern of writing that is displayed in both the texts of The Odyssey and The Secret Life of Bees. In the epic poem and book, each protagonist undergoes a journey where they mimic a similar pattern of events referred to as the Hero’s Journey. In The Odyssey, Odysseus must travel home which is his ultimate goal, but he gets thrown of course many times as does Lily, from The Secret Life of Bees. The Hero’s Journey is a model outline for how tough situations can be handled, and is still used today because of its great lasting impact. Lily and Odysseus display the qualities of the Hero's Journey throughout their journeys when they encounter trials, and bond with others they trust, in addition to the battles they fight for …show more content…

Odysseus finds out he essentially killed his own mother from grief when she tells him, “Only my loneliness for you, gentle Odysseus, took my own like away…” (Fitzgerald 191). Odysseus feels sorrow deep inside of himself and he even realizes he might not make it home to see Penelope and Telemachus again. As Odysseus feels this depression, Lily comes to a similar epiphany in her journey. She calls her father, T.Ray, back at home but when she does, she comes to the conclusion he truly doesn’t love her. This was Lily’s lowest part of her journey, the Innermost Cave, because she always knew she wasn’t loved like everyone else but this phone call signified her accepting this fact. Lily is saddened by the fact her own parents disappointed her more times than not, but uses this as an opportunity to make a new ‘family’ with people who actually love her, including the Boatwright sisters and Rosaleen. Lily and Odysseus simultaneously reach a low point they must overcome, which is as expected, being a part of the Hero’s Journey. After they have fallen into a deep pit, they are given a ladder to get out. The two are given reassurance by others surrounding them so Lily and Odysseus can continue on the rest of their path with less emotional baggage to carry

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