
Comparing The Girl Who Drank The Moon 'And The Lost Thing'

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Antain represents an orphan who is longing for a sense of belonging and who is resilient in his pursuit to find it. These characteristics are exemplified in Shaun Tan’s The Lost Thing (2010). Both Antain and the lost thing lack belonging. They fail to find their niche. They do not fit in. They have no where to go. They are too different. There are significant parallels between both characters in their pursuit for belonging. Immediately, in The Girl Who Drank the Moon (2016) and The Lost Thing (2010), both characters are portrayed as outcasts. They do fit in to the society that they have been situated. They are too different. Antain ostracized more explicitly as his is continually bullied whereas the lost thing is neglected and forgotten (Tan, 2010, p. 3). However, both characters lack a place where they belong and are loved unconditionally. Antain and the lost thing both possess significant helpers. For Antain, his helper, Ethyne, appears closer to the end of the novel. As his wife, she encourages him to pursue his dreams and loves him. The lost thing has a young boy to guide him along his journey throughout the entire story to find a place where he can belong (Tan, 2010, p.9). …show more content…

In both of these quests, the two characters find themselves needlessly wandering around as they do not know the exact end to their quest. There is an element of uncertainty… will they find their place in society or will their plans foil? However, in both stories, the characters end up confining and protecting their belonging. For Antain, he goes out into the forest to kill the with in order to protect his family – his sense of belonging. Whereas, the lost thing becomes confined in another world that protects those that are different, like him (Tan, 2010, p.

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