Scooby-Doo and Goofy are “dogs” that are known for their silliness and the fact that children adore them. Likewise, Blackie, from The Mixer by P.G. Wodehouse, has similar trait. He is a dog that narrates the The Mixer, but misunderstands the events. Because Blackie is awkwardly funny, one will fall in love with him.
Many dogs look strange and have a unusual personalities and one of them is Blackie. For some reason, the first thing people call Blackie is ugly. Even Blackie admits every time he meets a new person, the first thing the person says is “What an ugly dog!” This is found on page 75, line 59. Even his mother calls him ugly, even though she is not too pretty herself. However Blackie’s personality is unique. On page 75, lines 82-84, Blackie shows his feelings towards men, “I like men. I like the taste of their boots, the smell, of their legs, and the sound of their voices.” Now, most dogs are like this, but Blackie really likes all men. Blackie may look fierce, but looks can be deceiving.
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For the whole story, Blackie thought the Shy man was shy even though he is a criminal. In page 85, line 427-428, Blackie thought the Shy man was so shy timid “he never visited their houses till the middle of the night.” That is an example of how Blackie misunderstood that the Shy man was a bad man. Another example of how Blackie misunderstands events is when he thought that the Shy man was an important person. Blackie thought this when a policeman said “It’s from the Board of Health. They told me to tell you, you needed a change of air,” in page 77, line 139-140. The policeman was trying to say get out of here, but in a nice way. These are two examples of how Blackie misunderstands events with the Shy man in
The two worst things you can be in Blacky’s town is a gutless wonder and a slack moll. Gutless wonder seems worse because if you are a boy, no one wants to hang around with you.
Racism can also be seen when Blacky witnessing the fight between Dumby and Mad Dog. After Mad Dog punches Dumby in the side of the face, Mad Dog makes a racist comment; "Don't shake hands with no boongs." (p.29). Blacky’s reaction is selfish because he thanked Dumby for saving him, instead of asking how he is feeling after the racist comment made by Mad Dog, which demonstrates the racism within the community. Blacky becomes aware of racism when he is sitting in the shed with Clarence and notices a racist comment in graffiti on the wall above Clarence: "BOONGS PISS OFF." (p.121)
Despite mistaking fear with stereotyping, his skin color does come into play when deciding the factors that would cause one to avoid him or run away, but he does have to realize that the place and time of the event does matter just as much. Most drivers who lock their car doors at the sight of him are more paranoid at the risk of having a stranger attempt to break in and harm them; he did also mention that it didn’t matter whether that person was black and white, man and woman (Staples 369). After all, I would have avoided
Another time he experienced racism was one day when he was killing time before an interview and walked into a jewelry store in the city, and the owner excused herself and came back with an enormous Doberman dog lashing towards him; he looked around and just nodded his head saying good night. Brent also explores another incident where a black man working for a newspaper nearby Waukegan, Illinois was working on a story about a murderer who was born there. The police mistaken him for the murderer and the reporter was dragged out his car by gun point. If it wasn’t for his press credentials the police would have probably tried to book him. “Such episodes are not uncommon. Black men trade tales like this all the time” says Brent. After being so often mistaken for a criminal Bent learned to be careful for how he approaches people and place, also if he is walking to the someplace as others in front of
black animals when they become adults. They behave toward a person who makes trouble before they
This essay will be an analytical essay where the novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon will be analyzed and interpreted. The focus will be on the language of the novel and the themes and messages.
by her friends he is ranked from their social standards as “A large black boy” and for his size he
The narrator is terrified of the men, that are saying very distressing racial slur to him. But at this time in history, there was no such thing as a hate crime, so the black men had to deal with what was thrown to them. The narrator being the intellectual black man that he is, is even a bigger threat to the higher-ups of the town. He is forced to undergo the prejudicial language he had to deal with, when he was invited to give a speech.
Confounding people can lead to being harmed in many ways when it comes to an animal’s perspective. In “The Mixer”, by P.G. Wodehouse, the narrator, Blackie, is a dog that is being treated very poorly throughout the article by getting abused. Also, Blackie doesn’t understand what the characters are saying in the piece. He suffers as a result of not understanding humans.
Blacky first realizes that racism isn?t just a local phenomenon and that it is not just the kids but the entire community who have grown accustomed to racism. at the game in Tangaratta, when Blacky gets into a fight with Mad Dog (a local kid). Dumby comes to Blackys rescue and subsequently ends up in a physical fight with mad dog. When Mad Dog gives up and puts out his hand as a piece offering he takes a cheap shot at Dumby and says ?Don?t shake hands with no Boongs? pg 121 (Boongs Australia an offensive term for an Aboriginal Encarta online). Blacky uses this as an excuse to be friends with Dumby so that the others wouldn?t think he was sympathetic to the Nungas.
Over the course of the years, society has taught black girls that the darker their skin tone is, the uglier they are which triggered them to do their best to meet Eurocentric beauty standards such as having light skin, slim nose and straight hair.
When describing the reactions that people had to his presence, Staples provides excellent detail. Women “seemed to have their faces on neutral, and with their purse straps across their chests bandolier style, they forge ahead as though bracing themselves against being tackled.” As a result of ample experience, Staples can accurately describe the fearful responses people had to him. Although, Staples does “understand, or course, that the danger they perceive is not a hallucination.” During that time period, there were young black men involved in street violence. Staples paints a vivid picture of himself when he was younger with the excellent detail he includes in the first paragraph. He was “a broad six feet two inches with a beard and billowing hair, both hands shoved into the pockets of a bulky military jacket.” Staples recognizes that his menacing appearance combined with narrow sidewalks and tightly spaced buildings did not help his case.
The article “Mass Over Mass Media” is written by Steven Pinker. Pinker is a professor in Psychology at Harvard University who focusses on visual cognation and psychology in language. He is well known for The Language Instinct & How the Mind Works. He was also listed as one of the most influential people out of 100 in the world. Also, he is known for his ongoing debate over how the internet has affected our world. Furthermore, author Steven Pinker, states his thesis in a peculiar way by stating that people often react in a rash way and make negative assumptions when it comes to inventions and their impacts. All forms of media have the power to draw a person in but that person must control themselves by using the information without abusing it. Consequently, social media and the internet have had a major impact on our daily lives from the way we work to the way we learn and socialize.
In the beginning of the story Blackie is found to be unintelligent because he thinks that the shyman is actually a nice guy but that he was just very shy. He shows that he thinks this when he says. “He really was the shyest man I had ever met.” This tells us that Blackie thinks that he is shy but when he was actually doing something
A historical moment in United States history was shortly after the “so called,” “Boston Massacre. Many British soldiers were being accused of murder; but one Patriot, John Adams, who would one day become our second President, asserted that everyone deserves a fair trial. There was no killing. Only trials, observation, and questions. Our country states that everyone deserves the right to a trial, and not automatic death. The theory of capital punishment, or as most of you call it, the death penalty, is a violent way to sort out the criminals of an event. Capital punishment is a serious issue, and most of United States is on it. In fact, it is on the 2016 Presidential ballot, whether it should remain or be abolished. To inform people, capital punishment is a government practice where a person is put to death for a crime they committed. These capital offences are of serious issue, but should it really determine whether a person is allowed to live? No! I am an opponent for the death penalty being used anywhere in the world.