
Comparing Siddhartha's Voyage To Nirvana

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Siddhartha’s Voyage to Nirvana

Siddhartha finally reaches his pursuit towards enlightenment, and given that without the important symbols throughout the story, he would have never attained Nirvana; these symbols include the all mighty river, the importance of the peaceful smile, and the sacred mantra “Om”. Reaching Nirvana is an end goal for Siddhartha so he sets off on a relentless journey to find the truth. On this unforgettable journey, he comes across many experiences that symbolize his quest to enlightenment.
During Siddhartha’s pilgrimage, he comes across many different stages. In the beginning, we meet an intelligent young Siddhartha, attempting to search for peace and enlightenment. Siddhartha leaves his old life, where he was The …show more content…

The two grow together as Siddhartha begins to learn the river's wisdom, and soon Siddhartha begins to follow Vasudeva's attitude, expressing a peaceful mindset in his life. Siddhartha would soon have a self-discovery, realizing that his life is similar to that of the river. "That is it' said Siddhartha `and when I learned that, I reviewed my life, and it was also a river, Siddhartha the young boy, Siddhartha the mature man, Siddhartha the old man were only separated by shadows, not through reality" (Hesse 107). This is a major self-realization and puts Siddhartha one step closer to enlightenment. One day, Vasudeva hears that the Buddha, Gotama, is dying. After hearing this news, Kamala, who is Siddhartha’s spiritual and sexual teacher, lover, and the mother of Siddhartha’s son. Kamala and her son travel to visit the sick Buddha and come across the river. She stops for a rest but is surprised with a snake bite that leads to her death. After this happens, the river also symbolizes the death of Siddhartha’s lover, Kamala. This represents the ending of Kamala’s special bond with Siddhartha, which is kind of a coincidence because she was bitten by the river. Siddhartha keeps his son with him by the river. The boy, though, refuses to accept Siddhartha as his father …show more content…

Each of the characters in the story who have this smile have achieved a final state of complete tranquility. This smile symbolizes that the person with this beautiful smile reflects their peaceful, harmonious state. In each case this smile is a completely natural occurrence; it cannot be reached by the average person and can’t be done just trying to achieve it. The first character who is described as possessing this smile is Gotama, the Buddha. When Siddhartha first sees him, he recognizes him solely for his indescribable smile. As Gotama turns to leave, it is his smile which most deeply impresses Siddhartha, that peaceful Buddha like smile. “I have never before seen a person glance and smile, sit and walk this way, he thought; truly, I wish to be able to glance and smile, sit and walk this way, too, thus free, thus venerable, thus concealed, thus open, thus child-like and mysterious. Truly, only a person who has succeeded in reaching the innermost part of his self would glance and walk this way. Well so, I also will seek to reach the innermost part of myself.”(Hesse 35) This indicates that Siddhartha will never forget this particular smile and will stay with him the rest of his life. To me, I think after seeing this particular smile in the Buddha, this is truly where Siddhartha decides to go on his journey to enlightenment. The other person that reaches this smile in the novel is Vasudeva. Vasudeva is a man with little words

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