
Comparing Romeo And Juliet And Baz Luhrmann

Satisfactory Essays

Romeo and Juliet is about two young lovers who are passionate for each other, Except their parents would never approve. Which means their love could never be shown in public or they both would be sentenced to death. In this story when you are a Montague or a Capulet you are not allowed to fall in love with the other enemy, but in this story they do. Romeo is a man or so a Montague, waiting for love to change his life. Juliet is a girl or a Capulet is waiting for love to enter her life also. In this review I will be talking about to different movies. Also telling you which one I prefer and why. The 1996 movie Romeo and Juliet directed Baz Luhrmann was a pretty good movie. Luhrmann really hit the main key points on understanding

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