
Lack Of Control In The Veldt, There Will Come Soft Rain

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Twenty-three million Americans are currently addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs, according to an anonymous writer on That means twenty-three million Americans live life to get high. That is the ultimate experience. Spending quality time with family and friends and enjoying life in a positive way is secondary to drugs and alcohol. While an addiction to drugs and alcohol is a gargantuan difference from what Bradbury believes, the addiction to modern technology is vast. He predicted such addictions would result in boundless efforts to satisfy the desires, comparable to how drug addicts or alcoholics act when taking drugs and alcohol. In Ray Bradbury’s writings such as The Veldt, There Will Come Soft Rains, and The Sound of Thunder, …show more content…

However, society uses lack of control as an excessive excuse. In some instances, things do get out of control, but in most cases, humans plainly lack self-control. Society doesn’t know how to control their emotions. The population can’t control their anger and their fear. They don’t know how to control the need for power or control of others. In the community’s minds, being the best is a necessity, yet not everyone can be the best at the same time. It is a fact. Throughout Bradbury’s stories mentioned above and below, he says that the society, as people, lack self-control. In The Veldt, the parents can’t control the craving that their children and themselves have for the fancy technology, so they start depending on their technology excessively. The children didn’t have enough self-control to cease the unacceptable thoughts they were having. “They live for the nursery.”"I don't know anything," he said, "except that I'm beginning to be sorry we bought that room for the children. If children are neurotic at all,a room like that -""It's supposed to help them work off their neuroses in a healthful way.""I'm starting to wonder." He stared at the ceiling."We've given the children everything they ever wanted. Is this our reward-secrecy, disobedience?""Who was it said, 'Children are carpets,they should be stepped on occasionally'? We've never lifted a hand. They're …show more content…

While that is something the community may not have been able to accomplish in the past, making it a very considerable accomplishment, being able to encounter everything might not always bring a positive outcome. Bradbury thought it would bring an atrocious ending to what is considered as humanity today. Many find it true that what Bradbury stated in his writing is legitimate. In The Veldt, Bradbury portrayed too much pride in that the Hadley’s had more pride in their deluxe house than their relationship as a family.“And again George Hadley was filled with admiration for the mechanical genius who had conceived this room. A miracle of efficiency selling for an absurdly low price. Every home should have one. Oh, occasionally they frightened you with their clinical accuracy, they startled you, gave you a twinge, but most of the time what fun for everyone,not only your own son and daughter, but for yourself when you felt like a quick jaunt to a foreign land, a quick change of scenery. Well, here it was!” In There Will Come Soft Rains, Bradbury states throughout his story that humans have too much pride in the things that have been created, such as sumptuous houses, slightly more than they have pride in ourselves for creating it. “In the living room the voice-clock sang, Tick-tock, seven o'clock, time to get

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