
Comparing Pygmalion 'And The Makeover'

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The play Pygmalion was a marvelous story, however the remodeling of its plot was formed in the movie The Makeover. Pygmalion was surrounded with social class, proper English and of course, an experiment to design a lady. No less was expected when the classic movie came out in 2013. However, some modifications had taken place and it was soon discovered that the two like stories proved to carry differences, as noticed within the beginning moments of the film. To begin, the character's last names are mirrored from the book to the movie. This would be Higgins, Pickering, and Doolittle. However their first names are different. For example, in the play, Higgins's first name is Henry, whereas it is Hannah in the film. Last names aren’t the only …show more content…

When Hannah realizes she has lost her campaign for Congress she feels saddened. Elliot was doing his job for his beer company and collecting bottles. He made a comment towards Hannah wishing that he was too smart like she said she was. She insults him and they get into a little argument when he proclaims he voted for her opponent in the election. Not only do the beginnings start differently but they also end in opposite ways. In the play, Eliza Doolittle feels as though she was being used for an experiment and develops a hatred towards Henry Higgins. They get into an argument and it doesn't end on good terms. It isn't too long after this argument that Freddy sees Eliza and proposes to her. She accepts his offer and then informs Higgins on the news of the engagement. The play ends with her being engaged to Freddy. The film portrays a very different ending. The Characters still have the same argument though. Elliot overhears Hannah talking about the "experiment" and feels as if he was being used. They get into an argument over what would happen to him now that the election was over. The two characters didn't speak for a while after the argument, until Hannah finally decides to visit Elliot. She talks to him momentarily before leaving his residence, still being frustrated. However Elliot soon follows her and speaks to her again about how she should run for mayor now. They kiss and agree to go out for a drink and

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