
Our Enemy The Japanese Propaganda

Decent Essays

Even though the two films were created from different aspects, in both Our Enemy: The Japanese (1943) and My Japanese (1945), the narrators created under the purpose of propaganda among American citizens. In “Our Enemy: The Japanese,” the entire film was described in a strong sense of belittle and satire toward Japanese. As indicated in the film, Japanese were not only weak on their industrial progress since all their knowledge were learned from the Western civilizations, but also how the life as Japanese were terrible under the control of their emperor. There were multiple quotes used in the film to depreciate Japanese, for example "Never an inventive or creative people, Japanese have always depended on the scientific and industrial knowledge of the Western world. And now that they are at war with Britain and the United States, they find their chief source from which to borrow fast-changing production techniques in Nazi Germany " and "Every channel of public information is being used to impress upon Japan's people that the war is proceeding according to a divinely-guided plan. " Furthermore, the narrator also started to criticize the life as women and children …show more content…

It was like a competition between the two nations and after they saw how Japanese were so prepare for the total war, Americans needed to be ready and ready to get back on the higher position than Japanese. For this film, the entire sense of emotional responses was mainly to trigger the rage among Americans, as stated in the film, “American had their own stupid way of living” and “your world was more made of believe rather than reality.” There were multiple indications of no matter how Americans destroy Japan, the hearts of Japanese were indestructible. They were neither working by the clock nor earning more money, but only working to win the

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