
Comparing Power In The Yellow Wallpaper And Cathedral

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Carver’s and Gilman’s Explanation of the Dynamics of Power in Relationships. Relationships between individuals can present many obstacles that deserve attention for resolution. The disparity in power between two people is a significant barrier that arises in both real life and fiction. This imbalance of power has an impact on a couple bound for romance as well as a couple of guys who are meant to become companions. Throughout Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story, “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Raymond Carver’s, “Cathedral,” the balance of power between two characters when they engage with each other is present. However, the two stories have different power dynamics, resulting in extremely different story resolutions. As the plots of both stories …show more content…

She constantly has to hide her thoughts and ideas to protect herself from John’s disappointment in her. John’s power dynamic is negative, resulting in mass hysteria as too much negative energy tends to outweigh the positive energy his wife continues to portray through everything she is enduring. Despite that, John’s overwhelming amount of negative energy leads his wife to slowly break free from his control. As she begins to become “a little afraid of John'' (Gilman 58), she learns that she is not fully under his control. The narrator realizes that she can have a dramatic release from John’s grasp of her life. She finally has a feeling of relief as she realizes that “life is very much more exciting now than it used to be” (Gilman 59). As the narrator senses a profuse amount of internal power, she begins to stop abiding by the rules of John. The narrator takes her daily life by choice of what makes her happy. When John has full realization of this, he makes demands (Gilman 63) in an attempt to gain control over his wife. However, she has lost respect for John. The uneven balance of power between John and his wife was a major disturbance to their

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