
Comparing Portia And Brutus In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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Being a possession is not being able to have a say, being treated however the owner desires, and not being able to stand up for yourself. A women being a possession was a very common thing in the time period of Julius Caesar. In this time period the men didn’t marry the women for love, they married for political power or for other reasons. Portia and Brutus have a special relationship, they truly love each other. One way that Brutus shows that he loves Portia as an equal is when he calls her noble and says he isn’t worthy of her. Another way Brutus shows his love is when he explains to Portia that she is his honorable wife, and dear to his heart. Others might believe that Brutus hides secrets from Portia because he doesn’t believe she is an equal; however, that shows that he is actually trying to protect her. Women that are called noble is also a …show more content…

It’s said that Brutus just keeps secrets from his wife, and doesn’t tell her anything. When Portia comes outside to ask him what's wrong Brutus says he is sick. (Act 2, scene 1, page 12, line 265). Some say because of Brutus’s lying, that's the way he hides his secrets to Portia. Since Brutus lies that shows that Brutus doesn’t truly love Portia. Although these claims are solid ones, they are false. It is true that Brutus does lie about being sick, but he is lying with very good intentions. When Portia and Brutus are interrupted by the knocking on the door, Brutus comforts Portia by saying he will tell her all of his secrets and why he has been so sad. ( Act 2, scene 1, page 13, line 313). Brutus telling Portia that he will tell her his secrets shows that there was a reason not to tell her in the first place. The only reasonable reason is because Brutus wanted to protect her from everything bad he is about to do. Brutus might lie to Portia, but it is inferred that it is for the best

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