
Comparing Political Power In Hinduism And Hinduism

Decent Essays

The authority of a religious belief has been stuck to humanity since there was something to believe in, grafted into the politics of whatever society its taken hold of and injected into it’s citizens heads through the law. The belief in any religion is a core part of a humans morals so the act of linking political power to religious authority is automatic when it comes to major religions like Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism. Every ruler in every society has a moral code, and a large part of their moral code is based on their religious beliefs- so it wouldn’t be too hard to pick out the morals they’ve been putting into their laws and regulations. The opposite, however, would also be true. As leaders give their followers morals through laws, most of those followers will follow those laws because it’s based on their similar beliefs.
One such act of linking political power to religious authority is Hinduism throughout India and Southeastern Asia. A new movement in Hinduism, labeled bhakti, started remaking the caste system in a way that appealed strongly to India’s Tamil regions of the south as “it was this new form of Hindu religion, not the caste system, that South Indian merhcants transplanted among the emerging civilizations of Southeast Asia in the early centuries C.E.” (7: p. 179). Bhakti, or The Way of Devotion, was very attractive to the people of the Tamil regions because it was based on a person gaining a release form the rebirth cycle- a very powerful motive of

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