
Comparing Plato, Descartes, And The Matrix

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The position of seeing reality versus staying in a place of ignorance has been debated for

thousands of years from philosophers of old to the movies of today. Three such venues are Plato:

The Cave Analogy, Descartes: Meditation 1, and a movie called The Matrix. Each of them has

something to offer in light of epistemology, or dialectic, as Socrates mentions. They each make

one question, or should make one question, reality or perceived reality or truth.

Plato, Descartes, and The Matrix all deal with the various mental limitations that humans

have. Whether it be a matrix, a cave, or a demon, mental enslavement is revealed. While Plato

and Descartes mention God, Neo is presented as The One, a type of savior or Messiah. In each

setting, the issue of …show more content…

The prisoners aren’t able to turn their heads in order

to see what’s real. Once they are shown such, they must adjust and make their own decision as to

which path will be taken. At the beginning of Descartes’ Mediation 1, he mentions that he’s

“freed his mind” yet by the end, it’s shown that he’s still quite enslaved to the his preset

limitations. Each of the three face a battle in their minds over truth, over reality. It is assumed, at

first, that what is seen is real only to find out that it isn’t In all three, though, knowledge of

reality, of what’s true, is sought. It is shown, in all three, that not all desire such and even less

achieve it. In both The Matrix and The Cave Analogy, children are mentioned as the starting

point of knowing what’s real or true.

One of the major differences noticed in the three is the way in which the search for truth is

both carried out and ends. . Neo finally accepts the reality he is shown. He also seeks to help free

those who are still enslaved to the matrix. Descartes, while questioning reality, eventually

decides to fall back to his former way of thinking because he “feels inadequate to fight

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