
Comparing Odyssey And Ovid's Metamorphoses

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Essay Prompt #2
In Greek Mythology hubris is never a good thing to have especially when dealing with a god or goddess. When hubris is exhibited by a human it results in life altering or fatal punishment by the gods and goddesses. The Odyssey and Ovid’s Metamorphoses have human characters who exhibited hubris by boasting, thinking themselves is better than a goddess, and not taking heed to warning which lead to punishment. Odysseus, who is the main character of The Odyssey, demonstrates hubris after blinding Poseidon’s son Polyphemus and afterwards boasts about what he did (Odyssey.9.425-441). As Odysseus is leaving the island of the Cyclops’ and going against the advice of his fellow shipmates he says “Cyclops if any man on the

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