
Comparing My Darling Clementine And Once Upon A Time In The West

Decent Essays

The use of an audio mise-en-scène is used treated uniquely in both clips. In My Darling Clementine, as Wyatt and Clementine are watching the festivities, and even though there is a permeating sound of feet stomping, music playing, and happy chatter, we can still clearly hear Wyatt asking Clementine to dance. With Once Upon a Time in the West, a layered collection of sound effects is used instead of any dialogue or music to emphasize the silence of the train station and eventually the arrival of the train itself.
Sound mixing is also used in both clips, but with differing effect. In My Darling Clementine, as Wyatt and Clementine walk towards the dancing on the church foundations, we gradually hear the music and dancing grow louder, emphasizing their relative position and the audience’s awareness of their location. In Once Upon a Time in the West, when one of Harry’s men walks underneath the relatively loud windmill, the next cut that focuses on him has the sound of the windmill muffled, which emphasizes the outlaw’s perspective. …show more content…

In My Darling Clementine, the relatively quiet spot where Wyatt and Clementine are talking is interrupted by the permeating music and dancing, and upon their arrival, the previously unrestricted conversation is made awkward by Wyatt’s contemplation of dancing. In contrast, with Once Upon a Time in the West, each outlaw has their own sound acting independently from the sound effects and other outlaws. This rhythm is then broken by the arrival of the train, as all the sound effects previously dominating the scene are now dominated by the train, which focuses all the sound on

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