
Comparing Michelangelo's David And Donatello

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Standing with great height and muscular texture, this statue seems to be an imagery of a very young warrior. The sex of the statue cannot be determine due to the facial features. The facial express of the sculpture can be either a young male or a female. His physical traits might be powerful, but looking at it proves that he might be a leader. Looking at the sculpture with more emphasis, it seems like it is a sculpture of the biblical character David. The attribute of the image that look like David is the head the lays beneath his feet, which look like Goliath. The physical traits of the sculpture look to be a very shy person. Standing in a contrapposto pose with a little smirk of his face looking as if he is not looking at the designer. Unlike other renaissance sculpture, this statue is fully clothed. Wearing an armory vest, right hand is on the sword, and left hand is on his waist. This masterpiece seems like it was carved from marble. The color of the marble might be white or black, but the carving of the statue is really vivid. Back in …show more content…

Some of the similarities of the sculpture to Michelangelo’s David is the style of pose within they are standing. Even though Michelangelo’s David seems unreal the David have the same texture of hair, with one of them having a youthful hairstyle and the other having an adult hairstyle. Michelangelo’s David standing nude with a sling shot, looking older and have not yet slayed Goliath, and the other sculpture looking like it has already slayed Goliath, looks young, and holding a sword, and is not nude is the only difference between the two. With the Donatello’s David, the two have a lot in common. The two sculptures are hold a sword in their right hand, wearing an armory sandal, had slayed Goliath, and they both look very youthful. The only slight difference between them both is that Donatello’s David have no clothing on and is wearing a

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