
Comparing Locke, Hobbes And Rousseau

Decent Essays

Locke, Hobbes and Rousseau’s theories on the “state of nature” have made me believe that such a society without a governing body would, over time, turn into some sort of government. This, I believe, is due to the natural ways of human progression. I believe that the human mind works like a vacuum, in that it always wants more of something, its always searching for something else. Rousseau shares similar thoughts, “…human beings…have two special attributes: free will and the capacity for self improvement” (Wolff, p.26). All three philosophers talk in depth about what humans at an elementary state, strive for, whether it be power, peace, or in Rousseau’s mind strictly “…food, sexual satisfaction, and sleep…” (Wolff, p. 26). This has made me think about how we as humans go about personal success today. You hear people say a lot that everyone defines success differently. Some need to have the fast cars, beautiful wife, and pompous mansion to consider themselves successful, and then others consider their lives successful whilst having nothing. …show more content…

His main point of telling this story is to state that he considers himself as successful in life as the extremely wealthy. Between him and the wealthy he describes a class of people he calls the “rat racers”. These are those who spend the majority of their lives waking up and following the same dreary routine of working in their dead-beat jobs. The opportunity of a possible promotion or big bonus, keeps them going, but they spend their most of their life in misery because of the constant want of something that is

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