
Comparing King's Horseman And Henry IV

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Many stories have a character that undergoes a transformation throughout the story. Sometimes, a transformation occurs within the character without the character losing complete sight of what they were taught. Death and the King’s Horseman and Henry IV, Part One both have characters that keep hold of what they know they are supposed to do even when they are doing the exact opposite. Olunde, the eldest son of Elesin Oba, and Prince Hal, the eldest son of King Henry, both have their own ways of doing what is expected of them. Both characters, at the beginning of the story, start out at odds with their fathers. Even though both sons shirked their responsibilities originally, Olunde and Prince Hal take on their designated responsibilities even after having been exposed to different lifestyles. …show more content…

Being the eldest son of Elesin Oba, Olunde was supposed to stay close to insure that if something happened to his father, he could take his place. The fact that Olunde leaves displeases his father, Elesin Oba, and makes it seem like he is uncaring of the responsibilities that he is supposed to uphold. Prince Hal, in Henry IV, Part One, also displeases his father by not acting in the manner that King Henry believes a future king should act. Instead of learning how to take on his responsibilities, Prince Hal is off drinking and joking with his

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