
Comparing King Lear And The Confessions By Saint Augustine

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While King Lear and Edmund are unable to reach truth, in The Confessions by Saint Augustine, Augustine is able to discover truth through divine intervention and his experiences. Augustine's Confessions is essentially a narrative of Augustine's search for truth and his journey towards discovering it. His "delight in truth...[and] unwilling[ness] to be deceived" (32) drives him to seek for truth, and his multitudes and layers of questions reflect his thirst for truth. Augustine asks questions such as "How should the God who made heaven and earth come into me?" (14) and "How did [God] make heaven and earth" (226). Through questions, Augustine wrestles with issues including the nature of God and man, the origin of sin in man, and the relationship …show more content…

In King Lear, characters mainly struggle with finding truth about themselves and other people and separating truth from deception, while in The Confessions, Augustine struggles with theological and moral truths. These truths, though different, are able to be found if we are willing to look for them. From Augustine, we see that truth is given to us; it is right in front of us, and if we seek it like Augustine did, we are able to discover it. While, we cannot always say that we have found truth, we can say that we have gotten closer to truth. What we see as true will evolve, but that is just the process of getting us closer to the real truth. In King Lear, readers have clear view of the truth, but some of the characters are unable to see the truth because of their unwillingness to accept it. Saint Augustine, Lear, and Edmund all show that truth requires acceptance from us. Saint Augustine had to learn to accept the scriptures and overcome his lust, Lear had to overcome his pride in order to come to a better understanding of himself and those around him, and Edmund was unable to respond appropriately to reality because of the wealth and titles he wanted for himself. While truth can be found, sometimes we are unable to see truth because we don't want to accept it. By rejecting the truth, we try to create our own realities and believe what we want to believe rather than what truth is telling

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