
Comparing Julius Caesar To Czar Nicholas II Of Russia

Decent Essays

For my comparison essay, I have chosen to compare Julius Caesar to Czar Nicholas II of Russia. Both men were rulers of their country at different times in life. Julius Caesar was the ruler of Ancient Rome, and Czar Nicholas was a ruler of Russia. Julius Caesar was the ruler during 46-44B.C., and Czar Nicholas was the ruler of Russia during the year 1894 until his forced abdication in 1917. Both were dictators, but only Nicholas II was forced in abdication when he would not respond to demands of the Russians.
Julius Caesar was a ruler of Ancient Rome during the time 46-44 B.C. He expanded the Roman Empire through a series of battles across Europe before declaring himself a dictator for life. He is often remembered for being one of the greatest military minds in history and should be credited with laying the foundation for the Roman Empire (, 2009). He was born into a highly recognized congressional family and was the nephew of another prominent Roman general, Marius (, 2009). Caesar's rule, however, proved to be instrumental in reforming Ancient Rome for his fellow countrymen by relieving debt and increasing the size of the Senate and opening it up to …show more content…

Julius Caesar was assassinated because of a conspiracy among friends and supporters of Pompey who sought high office and profit (Wasson, 2015). Nicholas II was murdered but for very a different reason and the reason is that Nichols II was not trained, and he was not inclined to rule, and this did not help the government he pursued to preserve among people desperate for a change, and I think this ultimately led to him and his family's murder and led to the end of three centuries of Romanov rule (,

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