
Comparing Home For Peculiar Children And The Raven

Decent Essays

Different works of gothic literature share similar gothic elements such as ambiguity, death, and nightmares. Each element contributes a different tone to the stories that bring the reader into the work. Every story contains a different element that come together to bring out the same feelings. In both works, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, by Ransom Riggs, and “The Raven,” by Edgar Allan Poe, the ambiguity of the stories make the reader want to learn more about these mysteries and continue reading. Jacob, in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, finds his grandfather face down in the woods. Covered in gashes and blood, Jacob came running to help his grandfather, asking “him what happened. What animal had hurt him” (Riggs 36). The reader know that this “animal” has a “face that seemed to have been transplanted directly from the nightmares of [Jacob’s] childhood” (Riggs 37). The constant descriptions that follow this one intrigue the reader to want to know what this creature is. Likewise, the speaker in “The …show more content…

Jacob’s nightmares in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, led him to the old house and made him want to discover the world of his grandfather stories. The “wake-up screaming nightmares [that] plagued [him]” (Riggs 71) controlled all his thoughts and even helped him come to the conclusion to stay home and not leave so nothing like what happened to his grandfather would happen to him. After finding out and putting together the information he retained from his grandfather, he decided to go out and demonish his nightmares. As for Tom in “The Devil and Tom Walker,” Tom lives the nightmare by making deals with the Devil. His life is in the hands of the Devil and Tom is obvlious to that until the Devil comes back after Tom’s duties. At this point Tom “shrank back, but it was too late” (Irving 331). Living a nightmare with the Devil, making him do the immoral things just for his

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