
Comparing Home Burial And Commander Lowell

Decent Essays

Have you ever stopped and thought where you would be in life with no family? Throughout both the poems they base everything around the family and what’s best for it. The first poem I read was Home Burial by Robert Frost, which is about a husband and a wife talking about the death of their child and while the wife is at the top of the staircase looking out the window and her child's grave. The second poem was Commander Lowell by Robert Lowell, here the author talks about his father’s life growing up, such as him leaving the Navy for a better paying job. In this essay I will show you three different poetical elements I found in both poems such as theme, rhyme, and enjambments. In this essay I hope to show how both authors are similar but different at the same time. …show more content…

Throughout both poems both authors did a very good job of basing both of them about family. In Home Burial Frost shows this when the husband first tries to talk about their child’s death and the wife gets very upset because she does not want to bring up the death ( ). By the wife getting so upset about the topic of her dead child, you can see their family is very family based because otherwise they would not be getting into a tense conversation. In Commander Lowell, Lowell shows the theme as family by telling his dad’s story about when he leaves the Navy. “With seamanlike celerity / Father left the Navy, / and deeded Mother his property” (Stanza 3). This quote shows the father wanted to leave the Navy so he could get a better job and wanted his child and wife to have a better

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