
Comparing Hamlet And Ophelia In William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Decent Essays

“The dramatic life of any play often emerges from what is not said rather than what is.” What this quote means to me is that the information that is not presented or explicitly stated in the text itself is the much more important to the dramatic story rather than the information that is stated in the text. I do agree with this quote because it is true, especially in Hamlet. For example, in Hamlet, we as the reader assume that Ophelia kills herself even though the text never says the Ophelia kills herself. Instead Gertrude enters the scene and explains that Ophelia’s death in a beautiful matter saying that she drowned in the brook. Once Gertrude makes this announcement, Ophelia’s death causes dramatic rise when many people learn that Ophelia has died, especially Laertes who is outraged by the death of his sister. …show more content…

The reader assumes it is a diversion so people will have no clue that Hamlet is planning to murder Claudius, who is the new king. Also, Hamlet doesn’t say anything to Ophelia and it is what he does not say anything adds drama and many interpretations to this scene.
The third example that supports this quote is Claudius and Gertrude’s relationship. Hamlet proposes the theory that Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle and Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother may have had an affair before, when the old King Hamlet was still alive. Though the text does not explicitly states that Claudius and Gertrude were in a relationship during old King Hamlet’s time, we can assume that the relationship existed. We see Hamlet propose this theory in his conversation with Horatio, when he sarcastically explains that the two used to meets from old King Hamlet’s funeral to Claudius and Gertrude’s

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