
Comparing Ghiberti, Hieronymus Bosch, And Christopher Wren

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Looking back on the past, art, music, and literature played an important role in society. Compared to today, it still has that same effect. It’s inspiring and changing society in many different ways. Art has a power of expressing what we humans can’t explain. It brings out a feeling in all of us that’s unimaginable and unexplainable. Religion has served as a primary subject matter of art. However, there are many views when it comes to the relationship between humans and God. Three artists from three different time periods explore the comparisons between art and religion. Lorenzo Ghiberti, Hieronymus Bosch, and Christopher Wren have explored the idea that art has influenced religion and that it’s meaning is one we cannot fully explain. All three …show more content…

Each panel represents a scene from the New Testament in the Hebrew Bible. In addition, the borders surrounding them also contain other biblical figures according to Sayre. Ghiberti strove for excellence and profound detail in this work. He wanted viewers to understand the influence nature and art had on God. During the time of the Renaissance, religion was very important. It was known as the time of “rebirth.” It was a time when everyone could start over and rebuild their lives. Society strove for salvation of the soul; it was their mission and purpose in life. Art has an unexplainable way of influencing society especially when it comes to religion. It makes people think and imagine a better world full of life, faith, and ultimately salvation. Overall, this piece of artwork represents that idea …show more content…

Paul's Cathedral, designed by Christopher Wren represents religion because it had a profound influence on society during that time. When the Great Fire of 1666 occurred, London faced many struggles. Almost 100,000 people were left homeless according to our text and society felt powerless. They had lost faith in life and ultimately God. When the St. Paul's Cathedral was finished, it gave the city hope for a greater world full of many opportunities. The use of certain shapes and simple symmetry resembled true architecture and power. This building fully supports that art had great influence on religion in London. It was a place where people could feel safe and pray. It was a cultural hub that inspired and changed

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