
The Females In Shrek And Finding Nemo

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Benjamin Reyes
Professor Keith
Composition 1102
2 December 2014
The Females in Film Movies are an adventure. Whether it’s a fictional galaxy far far away or a true tale of the modern day hero, film has the ability to tell an intriguing story unlike any other medium. Unfortunately, most of these stories told have a similar problem circulating around the demotion of female characters to male characters. Female characters are more often than not othered by their male counterparts and their roles, personality, and purpose in films reflect it. This problem isn’t specific to one genre, nonetheless it’s a cancerous disease spreading the body of work that is film. The first movie genre highlighted is animated films. Many animated films have strong female characters but most still fall under the similar plotline of a girl needing her hero to save her in whatever situation she is in. A few examples are the film franchises Shrek and Finding Nemo. In the series Shrek, a recurring theme throughout all three films is …show more content…

In most of the movies made today, “men predominantly call the shots in cinema – as studio executives, directors, writers, crew leaders, etc. – translating into male-dominated and male-centered cinema that focuses primarily on men, their stories, and their points of view, and rarely incorporate women as major characters or as crucial to the plot. (Tasker & Negra 170). For the most part, men write and direct the majority of films and as of 2006 only 7% of the directors of top grossing films were women. (White). Women are lacking power and influence behind the camera and it is showing in front of the camera. If females were given more opportunities to helm these movies, maybe we could more strong female characters or even great female lead movies, but unfortunately this isn’t the case with modern day

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