
Comparing Faquih's Crossing Borders And Cruzando Fronteras

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Art has no bounds or limitations. It can speak to the outspoken and unspoken. “The visual language of art can communicate across the barriers of verbal and cultural distances”. Exhibits “Crossing Borders” and “Cruzando Fronteras” unveil magnitude of which art can transmit to the world regardless of spoken language or social expectations. Crossing Borders exhibition, featured by Emergent Art Space featuring 40 works by 36 different artists from around the world. Each artist identifying themselves from a unique background had something distinctive to bring to the collection. Madeleine Blake, an artist from Portland, Oregon showcased “Air II” a mono print with acrylic. In her artist’s statement she questions, what is the purpose of borders, and “ why do we crave these [political …show more content…

Another artist exhibited in Crossing Borders is, Shahrukh Faquih a 3-D installation artist from Bangalore, India. Faquih’s piece is called Worthless Value, displaying her own perception of what a boundary is. Her piece focuses on the dividing element the separates beings, the fence. Faquih believes that the fence itself has more meaning and importance that the land that is being guarded. Lindsey Allgood, an artist from Oklahoma did a performance piece demonstrating that social holds that bound and restricts people together. During the performance, the two women wind themselves together with red string, and then cut the strings that constrict themselves together. Allgood asks the audience pressing questions such as, “But can we really completely separate from one we've been intimate with? Where does embrace become entanglement? When does a binding become an enfolded caress? In these moments of tension and union, where does my body end, and yours begin?”. The

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