
Comparing Explorer Vs. Safari

Decent Essays

Comparing Explorer vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Safari The internet is part of everyday life for most people. It connects people to information that can be accessed from the web any time, any day of the week. To connect to the internet, an individual needs a thing called a web browser, or browser for short (Beal). A browser is defined as “a software application used to locate, retrieve, and display content on the World Wide Web, including web pages, images, video, and other files” (Beal). There are many different types of browsers that are used to connect to the internet, but in this paper only four browsers will be talked about. These four browsers are some of the well-known browsers which include: Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. In this research paper, these browsers will be compared to each other, comparing some of their benefits and disadvantages. In 1995, a company called Microsoft introduced their new browser called Internet Explorer 1 to the market. Nearly every single year until 1999, a new version of this browser would appear. In 1999, something changed, Microsoft decided to integrate itself with Windows 98 Second Edition and created Internet Explorer 5.0 (Neagle). Around the same time, this browser “exceeded 80% of the web browser market share” (Neagle). Since Explorer became popular, it became a target to malicious attacks and viruses on the 7th version of the browser. It was discovered that there was a “flaw that could allow criminals to take control of

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